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    19 Of The Best Nerdy "Straight Outta Compton" Memes

    Straight outta GOTHAM.

    To help promote the new movie Straight Outta Compton, Dr. Dre created a meme generator that tweaks the movie logo.

    As the meme slowly took over the Internet, us nerds got our hands on the new technology quickly.

    1. There's been a healthy dose of Daredevil references.

    2. Batman, of course.

    3. And Spider-Man. Because, obviously.

    4. Even Deadpool's got his own version of the meme.

    Nothing to see here... @VancityReynolds #Deadpool #StraightOutta

    5. There's also tons of video game references. Because it's absolutely necessary.

    6. Some Sonic jokes have been made.

    7. Nintendo jokes are plentiful.

    8. And this genius gem.

    9. Cartoons are getting plenty of shoutouts.

    10. GENIUS.

    12. Even the live action shows are getting love.

    13. LOL, Jurassic Park.

    14. And these gems, because SHAKESPEARE COUNTS.


    Via Twitter: @Mekbots


    Via Twitter: @keltothelean


    Via Twitter: @yodair21

    18. And finally, Bette Midler bestowed a perfect Disney meme upon us all of us.

    "Straight Outta Compton" is the story of the "world's most dangerous group," but I think I know a more dangerous one:

    OK, it's not so nerdy. But who doesn't love a good Hocus Pocus reference.