25 Times Prince George Had No Time For Your Crap

    "We need to have a conversation about these knee-high socks."

    1. When he was all, "I will smile angelically now, but we will have a frank discussion about these socks later."

    2. When he arrived in Australia and was all, "It's OK I suppose."

    3. "Not really worth the 24 hour flight, though."

    4. Then the Australian Prime Minister tried to strike up conversation, and he was all, "NOPE."

    5. "No, really, who IS this joker?!"

    6. "Oh great, and you're here too, are you?"

    7. "I'm just not good at dealing with my public after a long flight."

    8. When he wondered why the focus was on his sister when he was dressed in a bitchin' red shorts and blouse combo.

    9. When he was like, "Don't hurry me Dad, I am strutting for my people."

    10. And then wondered who'd told Great-Granny that hat was a good idea.

    11. And wanted to know why someone else was getting all the attention.

    12. When he was presented with some flowers and was all, "The fuck am I supposed to do with these?"

    13. And wondered who this peasant was and why she was touching his hand.

    14. When he wondered quite why he was being paraded in front of his family and friends while wearing a dress.

    15. And was equally unsure why babies like North West dress in designer cashmere while he's forced to rock knitted cardigans.

    16. But a blue cardigan? Now THAT he can get on board with.

    17. When he was all, "You know mum, if you're going to rely on me to perfect your hair I may have to start charging."

    18. When he had the art of side-eye DOWN at eight months old.

    19. When he was like, "I know you guys are my parents and everything but ARE YOU SURE you know what you're doing?"

    20. And then said, "Fine, in my role as Prince I understand it's my duty to entertain you. I'll pretend I've got your nose, even though it's very obvious it's just my thumb."

    21. When he was thinking, "Smile all you want mum, I was hoping to be gifted with something slightly more practical."

    22. When he wondered why he was continually being carted around countries where the humidity played havoc with his hair.

    23. When he was all, "Sorry for making you cry, I simply wondered whether any more celebrity babies were going to be in attendance at this play date. This is not the calibre I am used to."

    24. When he wondered why his parents continued to make sartorial decisions without his input.

    25. But, finally, when he thought "You know what, Charlotte? I like that you've co-ordinated with me. You're alright. You can stay."