21 Times Ed Sheeran Was Endearingly Normal On Twitter

    "Water is legit."

    1. When he publicly declared his love for cheese.

    I'm about that cheese and cracker life. Put a grape on it

    2. When he made this observation.

    3. When he decided to bring back words last heard in the early 00s.

    my goal for 2015 is to bring back the word 'snazzy'

    4. When he was all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Pre recording so many tv shows in UK at the moment, if you're a fan il be on your TV a lot in the next few weeks, if you're not, soz m8

    5. When he recognised the importance of a Greggs in any situation.

    6. When he had this truly wild start to the day.

    7. And this one.

    Cold pasta for breakfast coz I feel like it

    8. When he made the most of his hotel's amenities.

    9. When he listed all the elements of a truly epic evening.

    Drink a bottle of red wine on the plane back then watched the s club reunion on my phone when I landed

    10. When he showed he knows his way around Mircrosoft Excel.

    11. When it was Worcester-sauce-crisps-o'clock.

    Time for a bag of Worcester sauce crisps isn't it

    12. When he told us this.

    13. When he was all, "Fuck the system".

    i still don't know what LinkedIn is and really have run out of fucks to give, soz

    14. When he did this and made everyone wince in sympathetic pain.

    When you stub your little toe on the way to the shower, nah

    15. When he kept us updated on his important plans for the day.

    16. When he shared this excellent recipe.

    Get pitta bread, get chicken nuggets, put the nuggets in the pitta bread, put some ketchup in. You're welcome

    17. When he revealed his favourite celebrity.

    Daniel Bedingfield is still the man, I don't care

    18. When he showed his thirst for culinary adventure.

    19. When he was like, "Fuck it, I'll tweet the word "porridge"" four times.

    20. When he shared this important information.

    i don't think i know anyone who posts youtube comments

    21. And finally, when he was full of opinions.