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    Hey Fancy Event Planner: Ex-Nay On The Event Check-In Chaos

    You rock the event app, the hashtag, the tweet up and have the best keynotes around. But does your event fall apart before it's even started at the check-in table?

    Make your events better right from the start.

    Your event attendees ARE coming.

    Lots of people, all at once, looking for validation with a name tag.

    AND - no worries, because you've got these:

    You're all like: "I'M AWESOME"

    And your guests are like: WOAH

    And instead of guests doing this all over your tables

    They are doing this:

    And your boss is like: WINNING

    Guests happy, boss happy, you = rockstar. But you're still like:

    Better events, happier guests, fawning bosses. #TameYourNames

    View this video on YouTube


    (Name Badge Organizers do not feed you, please, eat and then be a rockstar)