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15 Ways You're Doing It Wrong Guys

Listen up, because these are some things you’ll never hear from a lady. You probably know everything though, right? #saidnowomanever. For more savvy advice and for the chance to win your Dream Vacation, head to the Durex Savvy Lover Facebook page.

1. It's so funny when you forget my name again!

2. I remind you of your mother? That's adorable!

3. Love that fedora! You should keep it on forever.

4. I've already seen your exotic beer can collection before but I certainly don't mind seeing it again.

5. Tell me another blonde joke!

6. Can I borrow your scrunchie? Man it's so convenient that our hair is the same length, can I braid it?

7. Sure, I'll watch this very important sporting event with you and all of your friends instead of our date night!

8. I can't wait to get with that very attractive guy who whistled at me.

9. Tell me that story about your ex-girlfriend again! I can't get enough of it!

10. You're sexy when you play video games all day in your cartoon underwear.

11. Your pants belong comically close to the ground! Fashion!

12. To be honest I'm really glad that you only own one song on your computer and I'm really glad that it's always playing when I'm trying to talk to you.

13. I enjoy suggestions to exercise more! There is no pressure on you to do the same.

14. It's really cute when you prank me with your friends again and you all laugh at me ;)

15. I love that you are proud of being unemployed. Your mom has a SWEET basement.

Share your stories with #saidnowomanever.