19 Ways Smoking Weed Might Improve Your Life

    According to the internet.

    1. You could start dreaming big.

    2. And do things you never thought were possible.

    3. You might look at history in a different light.

    4. And begin to see the bigger picture.

    5. Or you could start thinking deep thoughts.

    6. You'll probably stop letting others make decisions for you.

    7. And become the champion you always knew you could be.

    8. It'll probably increase your appreciation of America's favorite sport tenfold.

    9. And you might even become a better consumer without even knowing it.

    10. You're more likely to appreciate nature.

    11. And everyday things you take for granted.

    12. You might start to remember the important things.

    13. It'll probably take your sense of humor to a whole new level.

    14. No, really.

    15. It could prevent you from ruining beautiful moments.

    16. And you just might become one of those people who enjoys the entire party, not just the first half.

    17. You'll probably start to realize that the people who make the rules don't always know what's best.

    18. And you might begin to put things into perspective

    19. Best of all, it'll probably mellow you the fuck out.