13 Ways Watching A Horror Movie Changes You Forever

    It's not paranoia if they are out to get you.

    1. You become a master of seeing shadow monsters in your peripheral vision.

    2. When alone at night you ignore the weird noises, potential burglars be damned.

    3. You are pretty sure that cold spot is the vent but just in case you avoid it.

    4. Then berate your cat for staring at that spot unblinking for hours.

    5. You finally have a good reason to get in shape.

    6. Your newfound love of running makes you a bedtime parkour master.

    7. You always know your exits.

    8. Hotel closets are eyed with suspicion.

    9. No matter where you are, you know what can be cobbled into a weapon.

    10. You have a healthy fear/respect for mirrors and ouija boards.

    And old books, dead languages, spooky houses, basements, and existence in general.

    11. People wonder about your compulsive need to check your gas gauge.

    12. Your decor choices are determined by safety.

    Couches that sit flush to the ground and clear shower curtains won't stop you from being dragged to Hell but at least you'll see it coming.

    13. And of course you never, NEVER pick up hitchhikers.