8 Songs Proving "Game Of Thrones" Is Supposed To Be A Musical

    Not the happy-go-lucky spontaneous dance number kind. Martin's books are peppered with ballads which talk of love and legends, religion and history.

    1. Official: Rains Of Castamere

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    And who are you, the proud lord said,

    that I must bow so low?

    Only a cat of a different coat,

    that's all the truth I know.

    In a coat of gold or a coat of red,

    a lion still has claws,

    And mine are long and sharp, my lord,

    as long and sharp as yours.

    And so he spoke, and so he spoke,

    that Lord of Castamere,

    But now the rains weep o'er his hall,

    with no one there to hear.

    Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,

    and not a soul to hear.

    George R.R. Martin's universe is a fully fleshed out feudal society.

    That includes oral histories conveyed in song. Without the ability to read or write, ballads were how most of the populace remembered the past and expressed their emotions. Martin created verses for almost a dozen songs but most haven't made it into the show, leaving it up to talented fans to breathe life into them. And these are just the ones with lyrics. There are dozens and dozens of mentioned songs just waiting to be polished up and sold for $.99 on iTunes.

    2. Fan Version: The Bear And The Maiden Fair

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    A bear there was,

    A bear, A BEAR!

    All black and brown,

    And covered with hair!

    Oh come they said,

    Oh come to the fair!

    The fair? said he,

    But I'm a bear!

    All black and brown,

    And covered in hair!

    And down the road,

    From here to there,

    From here!To there!

    Three boys, a goat,

    And a dancing bear!

    They danced and spun,

    All the way to the fair!

    Oh! sweet she was,

    And pure and fair,

    The maid with honey,

    In her hair! Her hair,

    The maid with honey,

    in her hair!

    The bear smelled the scent,

    On the summer air!

    The Bear! The Bear!

    All black and brown,

    And covered with hair!

    He smelled the scent,

    On the summer air,

    He sniffed and roared,

    And smelled it there!

    Honey on the summer air!

    Oh I'm a maid,

    And I'm pure and fair,

    I'll never dance,

    With a hairy bear,

    A bear! A bear!

    I'll never dance,

    With a hairy bear!

    The bear,the bear!

    Lifted her high,

    into the air!

    The bear, the bear!

    I called for a knight!

    But you're a bear!

    A bear! A bear,

    All black and brown,

    And cover in hair!

    She kicked and wailed,

    The maid so fair,

    But he licked the honey,

    From her hair!

    Her hair! Her hair!

    He licked the honey,

    From her hair!

    Then she sighed and squealed,

    And kicked the air,

    She sang: My bear so fair,

    And off they went,

    The bear! The bear!

    And the maiden fair!

    3. Fan Version: Hands of Gold

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    For hands of gold are always cold

    But a woman's hands are warm

    He rode through the streets of the city,

    Down from his hill on high

    O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles

    He rode to a woman's sigh.

    For she was his secret treasure

    She was his shame and his bliss

    And a chain and a keep are nothing

    Compared to a woman's kiss

    For hands of gold are always cold

    but a woman's hands are warm

    Stealing away in the darkness

    Through the hour of the wolf, 'till dawn

    No five kings, no war, no lost brother

    With her, all his cares were gone

    For she was his greatest pleasure

    She was his shame and his pride

    And the view from a tower is nothing

    Compared to a woman's eyes

    For hands of gold are always cold

    But a woman's hands are warm

    4. Fan Version: The Dornishman's Wife

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    The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,

    and her kisses were warmer than spring.

    But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,

    and its kiss was a terrible thing.

    The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,

    in a voice that was sweet as a peach,

    But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,

    and a bite sharp and cold as a leech.

    As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,

    and the taste of his blood on his tongue,

    His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,

    and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,

    "Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,

    the Dornishman's taken my life,

    But what does it matter, for all men must die,

    and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"

    5. Fan Version: The Last Of The Giants

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    Ooooooh, I am the last of the giants,

    my people are gone from the earth.

    The last of the great mountain giants,

    who ruled all the world at my birth.

    Oh the smallfolk have stolen my forests,

    they’ve stolen my rivers and hills.

    And the’ve built a great wall through my valleys,

    and fished all the fish from my rills.

    In stone halls they burn their great fires,

    in stone halls they forge their sharp spears.

    Whilst I walk alone in the mountains,

    with no true companion but tears.

    They hunt me with dogs in the daylight,

    they hunt me with torches by night.

    For these men who are small can never stand tall,

    whilst giants still walk in the light.

    Oooooooh, I am the LAST of the giants,

    so learn well the words of my song.

    For when I am gone the singing will fade,

    and the silence shall last long and long.

    6. Fan Version: Gentle Mother

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    Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

    Save our sons from war, we pray.

    Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

    Let them know a better day.

    Gentle Mother, strength of women,

    Help our daughters through this fray.

    Soothe the wrath and tame the fury,

    Teach us all a kinder way.

    Gentle Mother, font of mercy,

    Save our sons from war, we pray.

    Stay the swords and stay the arrows,

    Let them know a better day.

    7. Fan Version: The Song Of The Seven

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    The Father's face is stern and strong,

    he sits and judges right from wrong.

    He weighs our lives, the short and long,

    and loves the little children.

    The Mother gives the gift of life,

    and watches over every wife.

    Her gentle smile ends all strife,

    and she loves her little children.

    The Warrior stands before the foe,

    protecting us where e'er we go.

    With sword and shield and spear and bow,

    he guards the little children.

    The Crone is very wise and old,

    and sees our fates as they unfold.

    She lifts her lamp of shining gold

    to lead the little children.

    The Smith, he labors day and night,

    to put the world of men to right.

    With hammer, plow, and fire bright,

    he builds for little children.

    The Maiden dances through the sky,

    she lives in every lover's sigh.

    Her smiles teach the birds to fly,

    and gives dreams to little children.

    The Seven Gods who made us all,

    are listening if we should call.

    So close your eyes, you shall not fall,

    they see you, little children.

    Just close your eyes, you shall not fall,

    they see you, little children.

    (Editor's Note: No one sings of the Stranger, the unknowable god.)

    8. Fan Created: Seasons Of My Love

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    Lyrics (from the books):

    "I loved a maid as white as winter

    with moonglow in her hair."

    From that, Natti Vogel wrote the rest of the ballad on his own.