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10 Classes That We Wish Were Taught In School

These are the lessons everyone needs to learn. But hey, if the classes don't teach 'em, Dell thinks you should just learn it for yourself and start doing things your way! #LearnItDoIt

1. What your crush is actually giggling about.

2. How to make friends on the first day of school.

3. How to write essays according to your teacher's writing style.

4. How to interact with your significant other between classes.

5. How to know what's ACTUALLY going to be on the test.

6. How to tell ahead of time if a teacher is going to actually collect homework.

7. How to make cafeteria food taste good.

8. How to pass a note without getting caught.

9. How to choose the hardest working partners on that group project.

10. How to pick the best seat in the classroom.