This Is What Facebook And Twitter Would Look Like As Hot Guys

    Photographer Viktorija Pashuta and stylist Jordan Swain have reimagined different social networks as dapper men.

    LA photographer Viktorija Pashuta created this series of images for Vanichi magazine, inspired by the question: What if guys were social networks?

    Working with stylist Jordan Swain (who was also the Instagram model, below) on the images, Pashuta said the idea was "not only to use the social media logos as a visual reference, but also to transfer their qualities and usability functions into human character portrayed through fashion".

    Facebook is "casual", modelled on "a freshman out of high school".

    Twitter is "classic".

    Instagram guy gets a vintage look.

    Google+ is an "innovative, super energetic" guy.

    Flickr is the "artsy" one.

    LinkedIn guy is all business.

    Pinterest is characterised as "creative".

    Lastly, Tumblr is the "hip and cool" dude.