A Cobra Killed This Man's Father, So He Kissed It On The Head

    He kissed a snake and he liked it.

    A snake charmer in Malaysia has kissed a deadly cobra on live TV.

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    Twenty seven-year-old Amjad Khan, whose father died performing the same trick back in 2006, filmed the kiss for the British TV show The World's Most Talented.

    First, a bit of foreplay.

    Amjad has been playing with and kissing snakes since he was one year-old and is known throughout Malaysia as "The Snake Prince".

    Then comes the passionate gaze.

    Khan told the show's presenters that he is only 10% frightened of the world's largest venomous snake because of what happened to his father.

    Finally, the poisonous pash!

    Tbh it's still a less scary kiss than this one...