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I Am Not That Girl — For Every Woman Who Has Never Felt Like "That Girl"

“Maybe it’s because I was never destined to be 'that girl.'”

It's tough growing up as a woman today, as you face a ton of pressure to be perceived in a certain way by society. This spoken-word poem by Daysha Edewi captures how hard it can be to live up to society's standard of femininity.

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It's hard to feel "normal" if you aren't "that girl" who has guys clamoring for you left and right at the bar.

And it's easy to feel unwanted if the people who you think should notice you...don't.

There always seems to be this pressure that you need to look perfect and apply makeup like a pro.

Or better yet, just look feminine.

And it's even more frustrating when you let each and every little "imperfection" get to you.

But what if you never were meant to be "that girl"?

What if you were meant to be fiercely independent and confident?

You're the girl who loves her imperfections and fights for herself, because you're perfect just the way you are.

After all, don't they run this world?