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Aussie Teen Gets Bitten By Shark, Bikes Home And Has Nutritious Breakfast

No worries, mate.

A teenager in Western Australia rode his bike home and had some breakfast early Saturday morning, after being bitten by a shark.

Future Australian prime minister Cameron Pearman was bitten by the 6.5-foot shark while surfing at a beach about 50 miles south of Perth at around 6:00 a.m. local time.

Pearman told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation the shark knocked him off his board as he was waiting for a wave.

"I only saw its head for a split second, because I didn't really know what was going on, so I just saw it for a split second and then it swam off," he said.

He suffered minor puncture wounds to his legs.

After being helped ashore and having his wounds bandaged, surf lifesavers allowed him to cycle about a mile home like he hadn't just been bitten by a deadly creature from the deep.

Shark bite victim Cameron Pearman & the mates who bandaged him up on the beach, including his cousin. @abcnewsPerth

Cameron then made himself a nutritious breakfast like any normal young man who hadn't just been chomped on by a monster from the sea.

"I had some raisin toast," he told 9News Australia. "It was good."

"Dad was home," Cameron said. "He didn't believe me when I casually said, 'I got bitten by a shark'."

Indeed, like any normal person, Cameron's father, Tim Pearman, thought riding a bike home and making breakfast was not normal behavior for a shark attack victim.

"He'd ridden home on his bike, and he was bandaged up, there was quite a bit of blood," Tim Pearman told the ABC, "but I thought you don't ride your bike if you've been bitten by a shark, so I was a bit suspicious, but once he'd had a shower and I could see what had happened, it was pretty obvious."

Cameron was released from hospital after minor surgery, and says he is keen to get back in the water.

Cameron Pearman has chatted to media about his brush with a 2m #shark off Pyramid beach this morning. @abcnewsPerth

He told 9News he was mostly disappointed by the damage to his wetsuit.