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26 Things You Never Want To See Under A Microscope


1. Hydrothermal worm:

2. Your eyelashes:

3. Complete with the thing that lives on your eyelash, an eyelash mite:

4. A head lice clinging to a human hair:

5. Spider eyes:

6. Cleptoparasitic Bee:

7. Maggot:

8. A wasp's head:

9. Chicken embryo:

10. Marine worm:

11. Water mite:

12. The face of an ant:

13. Your tooth:

14. Tadpole:

15. Caterpillar:

16. An ants behind:

17. Mosquito eyes:

18. Caterpillar, again:

19. Butterfly:

20. Embryonic Zebrafish

21. Swollen tick:

22. Marine worm, again:

23. Head of an ant:

24. Human fingernail:

25. Water bear:

26. A llama's eye: