33 Pictures That Should Have Never Been Taken

    Just because everything you own has a built-in camera doesn't mean you have to use it.

    1. This selfie in a time of crisis:

    2. Or this selfie with a very confused mother questioning her decision to have children in the background:

    3. This unfortunate discovery about apples:

    4. This picture showing off your toothless mouth:

    5. This picture of your eyes getting drunk:

    6. This picture of your baby being born:

    7. This unfortunate Facebook discovery:

    8. And this unfortunate Facebook revelation:

    9. This person caught slippin':

    10. And this dude caught putting milk in the last place it belongs:

    11. This lady modeling fiercely in the cheese aisle:

    12. And this guy modeling fiercely with a beautiful outfit:

    13. This:

    14. And this:

    15. Any and all pictures of an angry mom with a comically sized gun:

    16. These pictures of Japanese women making out with doorknobs:





    21. And this picture of a lady questioning the friendship of a tomato:

    22. These kids' class project before it's ready:

    23. This:

    24. This lady's groundbreaking new way to watch movies:

    25. And this lady's groundbreaking way to shower:

    26. And this groundbreaking Doritos hair style:

    27. This man's wave of pleasure:

    28. Presumably all of this lady's questionable modeling choices:

    29. This person's discovery:

    30. This kid's personal changes:

    31. And this guy's bathroom habits:

    32. This selfie on what must be a very tough day:

    33. And this picture of Hulk Hogan DJing: