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23 Pictures That Pretty Much Sum Up 2015

Technology giveth and taketh away. Mostly giveth.

1. Five years ago we didn't have to deal with moist thumbs:

2. And getting sent back in time:

3. Five years ago we didn't have to deal with lengthy detours:

4. Or getting locked in iPhone jail:

5. And the dreaded accidental front-facing camera:

6. Ignoring a call didn't feel like a lifetime:

7. And there were no duck troubles:

8. Someone using your shitty phone didn't require intense trust:

9. Swiping wasn't a punishable offense:

10. And we didn't live in constant danger of gettin' our face smashed up:

11. Five years ago we didn't burn our retinas out in the middle of the night:

12. We had no idea how unacceptable only taking one picture was:

13. And we didn't realize how important staying 100 is:

14. Text messages didn't snitch:

15. There was no glorious double chin giggle:

16. And making plans was much less of an art form:

17. People didn't have a good reason not to pay attention:

18. Your phone company didn't remind you how bored you are:

19. People didn't know the agony and the ecstasy of the perfect snap story:

20. Or the perfect position:

21. No one knew what it truly meant to love:

22. And no one knew what true fear ACTUALLY is: