The North American Cryptid Map

    A comprehensive guide to the whereabouts of (possibly fake) real monsters.

    So here's a handy guide in case you decide to go looking for a cryptid near you:


    Iliamna Lake Monster (Alaska): A wolf-headed orca first spotted by indigenous tribes.

    Waheela (Northwest Territories, Canada): giant wolf, possibly prehistoric.

    Adlet (Hudson Bay, Canada): a tribe of dog-men, from Inuit legends.

    Wendigo (Canada): a cannibalistic creature known to steal the characteristics of the animals and humans that it's

    Memphre (Quebec, Canada): a long-necked lake monster.

    Shuswaggi (British Columbia, Canada): an enormous snake-like lake creature.

    Ogopogo (British Columbia, Canada): an enormous snake-like lake creature.

    Turtle Lake Monster (Saskatchewan, Canada): a dog/pig/horse hybrid lake creature.

    Manipogo (Manitoba, Canada): another serpentine lake creature.


    Champ (Lake Champlain, New York & Vermont): one more serpentine lake creature.

    Jersey Devil (New Jersey): a winged goat demon.

    Dover Demon (Massachusetts): a large-eyed humanoid seen in April 1977.


    Beast of Bray Road (Wisconsin): a bear/wolf-like humanoid.

    Frogman (Loveland, Ohio): a humanoid frog.

    Oklahoma Octopus (Oklahoma): A giant octopus, rumored to be found in freshwater lakes.


    Batsquatch (Mount St. Helens, Washington): A winged-humanoid.

    Sasquatch(Pacific Northwest): also known as Bigfoot, the ape-like humanoid and most famous of all cryptids.

    Sharlie (Idaho): A serpent-like lake monster.

    Tessie (Lake Tahoe, CA): A serpent-like lake monster.

    Bear Lake Monster (Idaho): A dinosaur-like lake monster


    Mogollon Monster (Arizona): a Bigfoot-like humanoid.

    Skinwalker (Southwestern U.S.): a Native American legend of shape-shifting humanoids that some have claimed to witness.

    Thunderbird (Western U.S.): giant birds

    Ozark Howler (Midwestern U.S.): a horned cat/bear hybrid that is known to let out a terrifying wail.

    Lake Worth Monster (Texas): a vicious goat-man.

    Chupacabra (Puerto Rico, Mexico, Southwest): a bloodsucking creature first sighted in 1995. Descriptions vary from a scaly reptile to a dog-like kangaroo.


    Pope Lick Monster (Kentucky): a horned goat-man known to be found near railroad trestles.

    Altamaha-ha (Georgia): a sea-monster known to live in mouths of Georgia's rivers.

    Swamp Ape (Florida): also known as the Skunk Ape. A furry humanoid creature.

    Scape Ore Swamp Lizard Man (South Carolina): A reptilian humanoid.

    Mothman (West Virginia): a winged humanoid with glowing eyes.