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    The 20 Signs That Spring Break Needs To Come, Like, Now.

    You know that you need a break when ...

    1. Your friendships have become entirely meaningless.

    2. You are SO done with people.

    3. You can't remember the last non-caffeinated drink you had.

    4. There has not been a blank space on your schedule since mid-2011.

    5. You have started to forget the most basic of information.

    6. You have started paying REALLY close attention to your participation grade.

    7. Bathing has become the least of your worries.

    8. You are calling your family a RIDICULOUS amount of times.

    9. OR, you just want them to stop calling you ever.

    10. Every day you realize new things that you forgot you had to do.

    11. Sleep is a vague memory, like Saturday morning cartoons and healthy self-esteem.

    12. Your professors are about to get the Cell Block Tango treatment.

    13. You realize that it is not humanly possible to keep up with all of your courses.

    14. Even procrastination cannot help anymore.

    15. Your bed is your worst nightmare.

    16. A professor giving you an extension is a gift from Heaven.

    17. You don't even pretend to do the reading anymore.

    18. Any mention of free time sounds like a trap.

    19. Eating - whenever you can do it - is your new therapy.

    20. Your school spirit is just about dead.