17 Photos That Won't Make Any Sense To Men

    Most men, anyway.

    1. When this painful point is made:

    2. Why this facial reflex happens:

    3. How ridiculous this pricing scheme is:

    4. What happens when you have to improvise:

    5. When this happens:

    6. How true this is:

    Taking off a sweaty sports bra after a workout. It's *physically impossible*. #powerliftingproblems.

    7. Why showers are actually really dangerous:

    8. When you inadvertently leave your mark:

    9. When...yeah:

    10. What a period sneeze feels like:

    11. Why carrying Band-Aids is often a good idea:

    12. How this always seems to happen:

    13. Why your hand sometimes looks like this:

    14. Why intermissions are never long enough:

    15. How you protect yourself:

    16. Why this looks like a nightmare:

    17. And finally, how good this truly feels:

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