19 Cats Who Purrfectly Sum Up What It's Like To Be In Your Thirties

    No amount of catnip will make this better.

    1. When you go to your first yoga class and realize you're not as limber as you used to be.

    2. When you realize you can't recover from your hangovers as well as you used to.

    3. When someone invites you to an event that doesn't start until 10 p.m.

    4. When you finally line up your big weekend plans.

    5. When you suspect your mattress might be the cause of your back problems.

    6. When you make an old pop culture reference and your younger coworkers miss it completely.

    7. When you eat one too many slices of pizza and there are no Tums to be found in the house.

    8. When you try the latest fashion trend, then get a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.

    9. When you dread what your inbox will look like when you get into work on Monday.

    10. When you constantly feel like it's freezing, but the thermostat is set to 72.

    11. Whenever it hits 10 p.m.

    12. When you question why you're even still going to Halloween parties.

    13. When your parents continue to send you birthday gifts that are too juvenile.

    14. When you question whether you should finally throw out those skinny jeans.

    15. When anyone asks if you've started thinking about retirement yet.

    16. When you spend way too much time trying to understand a new app.

    17. When you fulfill your big Friday night plans.

    18. When the only way you can satisfy your cravings is by smelling forbidden food.

    19. And the shocking moment when you no longer recognize the person looking back at you in the mirror.