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The Best Cat GIF Post In The History Of Cat GIFs

30 GIFs — my parting gift to the BuzzFeed faithful.

1. What? I wasn't going to wear it.

2. F-you, douchebro.

3. I don't know, you figure it out.

4. Who the fuck knows...

5. Maru.

6. Maru #2.

7. Genetics gone wrong.

8. Genetics gone wrong, #2.

9. Way to encourage his/her laziness.

10. So tense from sleeping all day.

11. Soon to become an ex-balloon.

12. "Off" button.

13. Best laid schemes of mice and...

14. Impressive Ups.

15. The opposite of impressive Ups.

16. Dog's face says "I hope this doesn't end up on the internet."

17. Even his/her judo skills are of no use.

18. Imposter.

19. Tough guys.

20. Jenga master.

21. Time to bounce.

22. She can type 100 wpm, too.

23. The quintessential Boop.

24. Lesson learned.

25. You're done eating, right?


27. The Red Dot makes cats throw caution to the wind.

28. Nightly routine.


30. (this is a very old Gif, but as a drummer, it is my all-time favorite)