10 Very Unfortunate Grammar And Spelling Mistakes

    I'm getting sic (sic) of this.

    1. Yeah, I hate boots, too.

    2. The Tea Party, perfectly encapsulated in one photo. WE ARE ALL JOE THE PLUMMER.

    3. I literally hate people I've never met who misuse (or don't use) apostrophes.

    4. Sign in a gym.

    5. Via Greece. I like "severious," I wish it was a real world that meant "really serious."

    6. "...to accecpt (sic) the things I cannot change" — just fucking classic.

    7. The porn version of the movie "Life Is Beautiful"

    8. Nothing worse than a massive public error.

    9. Via a 2nd grader...not sure if girl or boy.

    10. A common poo sign grammar mistake all across the world.