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Searching For A Home In Your Thirties Vs. Your Twenties

It is DEFINITELY a process. Let Coldwell Banker help you find a home that lets you truly be you.

1. Thirties: Is there a bathtub?

Twenties: Is there at least one sink so I can brush my teeth over my dirty dishes?

2. Thirties: What are the neighbors like?

Twenties: Can I steal the neighbor's Wi-Fi?

3. Thirties: Can we add molding to the living room?

Twenties: Can I add one shelf (that I will probably never install)?

4. Thirties: Can I bring my baby?

Twenties: Can I bring my kitty?

5. Thirties: How new are the kitchen appliances?

Twenties: What species of bug tends to populate the kitchen at night?

6. Thirties: How loud is the street traffic?

Twenties: How loud can I play music until the neighbors lose it and start a petition to evict me?

7. Thirties: How new are the carpets?

Twenties: So, I won't fall through the floor, right?

8. Thirties: Will my bookshelves fit in here?

Twenties: How many of my dumb friends can I fit in this tiny living room?

9. Thirties: Home is where the people you love are, no matter how cramped it may be.

Twenties: Same ;)