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10 Biggest Forgeries In History

Can you spot a fake? Probably not. But these forgeries fooled the top people in their field, so you shouldn't feel too bad about it. Check out Treasure Detectives - Tuesdays at 9pm on CNBC - and discover more ridiculous forgeries.

1. Michelangelo Buonarotti

2. The Bixby Letter

3. The Donation of Constantine

4. The Turk

5. JFK Document Hoax

6. Shakespeare's Lost Play

7. The Lincoln Love Letters

8. The Piltdown Man

9. Banksy's Installation

Not so much forgery as it is installation art - the well-known street artist Banksy went around to the world's best museums (Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, American Museum of Natural History, Brooklyn Museum, The Louvre) and mounted his own art onto empty walls alongside the real stuff. For some museums, it took only hours to notice the change - for others, months. When asked what his motivations were, Banksy responded, "I thought some of the paintings were quite good. That's why I thought, you know, put them in a gallery. Otherwise, they would just sit at home and no one else would see them." Excellent point.

10. Justin Bieber Reimagined

Treasure Detectives

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Get your forgery fix with Treasure Detectives, a new show on CNBC. Tune in Tuesdays at 9pm!