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23 Reactions That Perfectly Sum Up Losing Your Virginity Later In Life

You're a virgin who CAN drive.

1. When your friends started sharing their juiciest sexcapades.

2. Playing a game of Never Have I Ever gave you extreme social anxiety.

3. When you played it cool but thought, "OMG, do they know, do THEY know, can the WHOLE WORLD TELL?!??"

4. When your friends poked fun at your innocence.

"oh my god you're still a virgin??! that's hilarious"

AHAHAHA, there's so much funny in not having sex.

5. And made sex jokes that you didn't get because it was sooooo hilarious how uneducated you were.

When you are still a virgin . .

6. When you saw people your age already giving birth to small humans.

my reaction when I see people my age already on their 2nd & 3rd child

And you haven't even partaken in step one.

7. When everyone around you having sex made you even hornier.

Because sometimes masturbating didn't quite cut it.

8. So you secretly prowled for other virgins.

9. You almost wished for a one-night-stand to just get it over with.

10. But then people like this made you thankful you didn't dive into it at a young age.

lmfao this why im still a virgin

11. Sometimes everything about doing anything ~down there~ scared the hell out of you.


13. Even though you took sex ed, you still had no idea how to use these:

14. That time when you weren't ready and so-and-so started showing you more than you bargained for.

15. And expected you to do the same.

16. When every year into your 20s made you think that you were doing something wrong.

17. And so this was your existential crisis:

18. When people didn't understand that you didn't want to do it with just anyone.

19. When things on the internet told you that if you acted ~fiercely~ in the bedroom, they'd never be able to tell.

20. When you were finally ready and broke the news to your partner.

21. When you believed that you would be forever changed in a way that only late bloomers could be changed.

22. But when it finally happened, you realized that you were still the same, crazy cool person.

23. And you feel great about waiting till it was the right time for you.