22 Reasons Judi Is The Greatest "Bad Girl" Of All Time

    She got da voodoo.

    1. She's ~one~ with the earth and can talk to plants.

    2. She doesn't believe in violence...

    3. ... Unless another girl crosses her.

    4. She has a warm heart and puts everyone else's needs before hers.

    5. She's super intelligent and inspirational to all aspiring Bad Girls out there.

    6. She's hilarious and makes everyone around her laugh and say things like "this is so funny."

    7. She makes sure to appreciate every day that she's alive.

    8. She has the self-confidence of all the other Bad Girls combined.

    9. She's blunt and doesn't have time for any bullshit.

    10. She's goal-oriented and can accomplish anything she puts her mind to.

    11. Despite being a total celeb, she's super modest about her popularity.

    12. You can count on her to always be one hundred with you.

    13. Homegirl knows the importance of a balanced breakfast.

    14. She's super relatable.

    15. She's full of explicit one-liners if someone ever dares to cross her.

    16. She's not afraid to ask the questions that everyone else is thinking.

    17. She's like super competitive and talented.

    18. She has an apperciation for the fine arts.

    19. She has her own eyelash line like any good Bad Girl should.

    20. She knows how to properly handle any situation.

    21. She's totally not crazy and doesn't talk to appliances.

    Except maybe a little.

    22. And deep down, she has a total soft side despite being the greatest Bad Girl OF ALL TIME.

    Ur fav Bad Girl could never.