• Halloween badge

21 People Whose Pumpkin Carving Privileges Need To Be Revoked

Your pumpkin is Halloweak.

1. Whoever created this horrifying take on the information desk girl emoji.

2. This person who just offended their own dog.

3. This person whose pumpkin belongs under the sea.

4. This person who should've been stopped, but just couldn't stop.

5. This person who decapitated Iron Man.

6. This person who couldn't Hello Kitty.

7. This person who totally nailed their Pinterest project.

8. The horny teenager behind this.

9. Whoever thought Harry Styles on a pumpkin would make him beautiful.

10. This person who has a distorted perception of Sponge Bob.

11. Whoever attempted to duplicate this mummy pumpkin on the right.

12. This person who tried their best to salvage their already fucked up masterpiece.

13. This person lacking basic stenciling skills.

14. The person who was aiming for a spacecraft but got a giant dick.

15. Whoever's responsible for this sad pumpkin's existence.

16. Whoever thought makeup could cover up their pumpkin's flaws.

17. The person behind this supposed-to-be-a-cat-o-lantern.

18. This couple who thought this would be cute.

19. The person behind this phallic snail.

20. This person who couldn't even do the most basic.

21. And this Bieber fan.