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22 Most Offensive Things You Can Say To A '90s Kid

How rude.

1. "The Fresh Prince rap is so obnoxious."

2. "I bet you can't even finish Rainbow Road without falling off."

3. "98° was definitely the greatest boy band of all time."

4. "Dunkaroos came with way too much frosting."

5. "I didn't cry during The Lion King."

6. "Who is Justney Timberspears?"

7. "You remind me of Kimmy Gibbler."

8. "I always ripped off my Beanie Babies' tags."

9. "Your fingers are way too fat to make Bugles witch fingers."

10. "Ugh, 'The Rachel' was such an ugly haircut."

11. "What was even the point of 3D Doritos?"

12. "Goosebumps isn't even scary."

13. "Away messages sound pointless."

14. "A game of MASH won't predict your future."

15. "I don't know a Clarissa Darling."

16. "Eating Lunchables pizza is like eating cardboard."

17. "T.G.I.F... as in the restaurant?"

18. "French Toast Crunch was gross and deserved to be discontinued."

19. "You're not stylish enough to be Posh Spice."

20. "What's a TRL?"

21. "If you were in NSYNC, you'd be Chris Kirkpatrick."

22. "I'll never understand '90s kids."