15 Choices Every Harry Potter Fan Faces

    It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

    1. Going out with friends...

    ... Or starting the series over again.

    2. Getting a cute little tattoo...

    ... Or a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows.

    3. Saving up for a new car...

    ... Or for your fourth trip to Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

    4. Logging onto Facebook for hours...

    ... Or Pottermore.

    5. Spending time with your family during the holidays...

    ... Or watching ABC's “Potterhead Weekend.”

    6. Not judging someone when you meet them for the first time...

    ... Or mentally sorting them into a house.

    7. Dating someone who hasn't read Harry Potter...

    ... Or never giving another muggle a chance.

    8. Trying to decide what to be for Halloween...

    ... Or putting on your house robe and going as a D.A. member.

    9. Throwing a basic ass house party...

    ... Or making it Harry Potter themed. Again.

    10. Choosing to ignore everything they left out in the movies when you watch them...

    ... Or becoming full blown OUTRAGED by the missing parts.

    11. Naming your new pet a name that everyone will understand...

    ... Or calling them Dobby IV.

    12. Asking for something you actually need for your birthday...

    ... Or asking for more Harry Potter paraphernalia.

    13. Drinking water...

    ... Or going out of your way to make Butterbeer.

    14. Trying to decide if you love the first Dumbledore in the movies...

    ... Or the second.

    15. Trying to explain your love of Harry Potter to someone...

    ... Or just not even trying because Muggles will never understand.

    JUST KIDDING. We all know the answers to these.