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    10 Weird Inventions I Just Made Up On The Spot

    Never, EVER fall asleep to Dragon's Den...

    LGBT Sandwich

    Via giphy

    Lettuce, Gherkin, Bacon and Tomato – It's the thinking man's BLT

    Chip & Pin™

    Via giphy

    A portable ATM service that you can order to your door. Also sells chips

    (Okay, this one's all in the name. Like Speed 2: Cruise Control)

    Nam – The Student Night Out

    Via giphy

    Hungover freshers starting their stories with "Back in Nam" – a magnificently, terrible way to infuriate veterans

    Blue Tooth

    Via giphy

    Wireless technology. FROM YOUR MOUTH

    Decapitaliser Button

    Via giphy

    BecaUse thEre's No waY gOing bAck onCe you'Ve Done tHis

    Labelled Jelly Beans

    Why risk it?

    Adult Velcro

    Via giphy

    Because manually tying shoe laces is a backtrack for the human race.

    Also, non-ironic dungarees

    Motivational Magic-8 Balls

    Via giphy

    When 'Ask Me Again Later' doesn't quite cut it

    Toaster Knives

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    Because fishing that bit of malt loaf out of the toaster isn't worth your life

    Chicken Fried Rice

    Via giphy

    Just because.

    Who says a chicken can't fry rice?