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    14 Tyler Oakley GIFs To Perfectly Sum Up Your Day

    He just gets you.

    1. When someone shares their new relationship on Facebook.

    2. When your roommate uses all the shampoo.

    3. When you are put in a group chat with and there are two different conversations going on.

    4. When people say you should get out more.

    5. When you text the wrong person.

    6. When you get in a fight with someone over the internet.

    7. When someone tells you they are going vegan.

    8. When your professor says you should review all chapters for a test.

    9. When you see your old profile pictures.

    10. When someone pokes you on Facebook.

    11. When Harry Styles posts' a new selfie.

    12. When you sibling says that they are the favorite child.

    13. When your paycheck comes in the mail.

    14. After you tweet to a celebrity 37 times.

    Keep slaying, Tyler.