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Earn ~$7 An Hour To Test Your "Luring Skills"

Notes: Please ignore all matches that are not form [sic] California. Please delete any matches that are overweight. Hmmm. Not sure if I'm filled with pity or hatred. Freelance writing sucks, people.

Justin 11 years ago

Breaking: Patient Zero Of The Zombie Apocalypse Identified

Rack 'em up, people! According to police sources, a road ranger saw a naked man chewing on another man’s face and shouted on his loud speaker for him to back away.

Justin 11 years ago

Alt-Art From The Gibbering Bowels Of 4chan

Probably NSFW. I can't guarantee that you haven't seen a few of these before. Since I found them on /b/, however, I can guarantee healthy amounts of misogynistic nihilism tempered by unexpected moments of sincerity. I have no idea who the artists are (hey there tineye).

Justin 12 years ago

Pocket-Sized Triforce

Fact: Most everyone's carrying around the protection of the Triforce.

Justin 12 years ago

Infinity, Defined.

MST3K meets those old bastards from the muppets that I hated as a kid. Whose f*cktarded idea were they? I hated those assholes in 1986 and I hate them now. Suck my Trash Heap, old dudes.

Justin 12 years ago

4chan Meme-Faces, Born in '81 Edition

These are images from the 80s and early 90s. You've probably never heard of them.

Justin 12 years ago

Fact: Rapture = Rape. Deal With It.

Rapture - "'act of carrying off,' from M.Fr. rapture, from M.L. raptura 'seizure, rape, kidnapping,' from L. raptus 'a carrying off' (see rapt). Originally of women and cognate with rape (v.). Sense of 'spiritual ecstasy' first recorded 1620s."

Justin 12 years ago

Obscure Willow Reference of the Day

Or not, depending on your age. I f*cking love you, Madmartigan.

Justin 12 years ago

An IPhone, a Friday Night, and Possibly the Best Free App Ever

So last Friday night I was at a baseball game, while my hetero-lifemate Doctor Trend was at our favorite pub. There's a barmaid with whom we are both rather enamored, but she has not waited on us whenever I have been there. He sat in her section, then proceeded to text me a variety of what were meant to be motivations for me to bail on the game. I didn't, but I did use Meme Generator's free iPhone app then sent his texts back to him. Hilarity, and this list, ensued. Sort of.

Justin 12 years ago