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The 100 Most Important Dog Photos Of All Time

These dogs have changed our hearts, our lives, our world. Perhaps more so than these important cats.

100. The Marshmallow Dog

99. The Swinging Jowls of Glory

98. The "Hey, Whatcha Doin'?" Dog

97. The Glass Face Dog

96. The Pugsplorer

95. The Cowboy

94. The Romantic

93. Raymond

92. Doge

91. The Shocked Dog

90. The Growth Spurt

89. The Flower Child

88. The Shameless Snuggler

87. The Scrub

86. Norm the Pug

85. The Wedding Drunks

84. The Pixar Dog

83. The Peek-A-Boo

82. The Wrecking Pug

81. The Bed Head

80. The Ultimate Cuddle Puddle

79. The Saddest Christmas Elf

78. The Double Shotgun

77. The Surreptitious Shitter

76. The Leaf Lover

75. The Strong Independent Dog Who Don't Need No Man

74. The Pugtato

73. The Adoption

72. The Pugumentary

71. The Shocked Lady

70. The Presidential Pooch

69. The Lookout

68. The High Fashion Model

67. The Video Caller

66. The Third Wheel

65. The Cow Dog

64. The Inspiration

63. This Panorama Dog

62. The Smiler

61. The Team

60. The Troubling Stickler

59. The Ultimate Cone of Shame

58. The Weary Traveler

57. The Artist

56. The Fashionista

55. The Sliding Shakespeare

54. The Most Unimpressed Dog in the World

53. Frisbee Mouth Dog

52. The Disappearing Act

51. The Sneezer

50. The Birthday Boy

49. Ray Charles

48. Towel Dog

47. The Tumble

46. The Dog Laughing at His Own Joke

45. The Sexy Ladies

Also because this look:

44. The Dinner

43. The Pizza Dog

42. The Cutest Existentialist

41. The Big Trouble Dog

40. The Little Puppy Who Couldn't

39. The Family Jewels

38. Thelma

37. The Pug Who Had Little Lamb

36. The Frisbee Face Dog

35. The Pizza Thief

34. The Pug Triplets

33. The Scarred Children

32. Dogception

31. The Side-Eye

30. The Walker

29. The Stoic Stander

28. The Most Perfectly Timed Dog Shot in the Entire World

27. The Awkward School Photo

26. The Best Shopping Cart Ever

25. The Loving Mother

24. The Scaredy Dog

23. The Loner

22. The Muse

21. The Unlikely Duo

20. The Teeny Hand

19. Chewbarka

18. The Free One

17. The Nuggeteur

16. The Unamused Video Chatters

15. The Pug Who Gave Up on His Diet

14. Madonna

13. The BEST Use of the Cone of Shame

12. The Nicole

11. The Swimmer

10. The Sneak

9. The Chill Shiba

8. An Artistic Interpretation of the Stoned Birthday Dog

7. The Eyebrows

6. The Patient Patient

5. The Awkward Yeller

4. The Patient Army Spouse

3. The Surfers

2. The Best Friendship Ever

1. The Parade Champion