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14 Things We'd Only Read In The Bathroom

It's important to enjoy the go. Treat yourself to these amazing reads while you're on the throne. And while you're at it, grab a roll on Charmin. Because, those who go with Charmin always enjoy the go.

1. Taro Gomi, "Everybody Poops"

2. A Tube of Toothpaste

3. Aunt Terri's Facebook Status

4. Mark Larson, "The Mullet"

5. Bathroom Guest Book

6. Reepah Gud Wah, "The Zen of Farting"

7. Jose Canseco's Twitter Feed

8. David Foster Wallace, "Infinite Jest"

9. This Weird Yoga Magazine

10. That Catalogue Addressed To Your Old Roommate

11. Anna Skinner, "How To Pee Standing Up"

12. Cher's Twitter Feed

13. Dale Power, "DIY Coffin For Pets and People"

14. This Post on BuzzFeed