15 Ways To Have Better Sex In 2016

    Start 2016 off with a bang. (Sorry.)

    1. Have sex with zero intention of having an orgasm.

    2. Stop thinking of sex as just one very specific thing.

    3. Have sober sex.

    4. If you haven't used lube before, go ahead and try it.

    5. Stop faking orgasms.

    6. Find out what you should be getting tested for — and then get tested.

    7. And always take whatever STI precautions you should be taking.

    8. Realize that porn is not realistic.

    9. Embrace orgasms whichever way they come.

    10. Try something that's a little out of your comfort zone.

    11. See if you can give yourself an orgasm.

    12. Treat your body with an actual fuck-ton of respect.

    13. Along those lines, treat your partner with just as much respect.

    14. Be really freaking honest.

    15. Try not to judge your body for the way it reacts (or doesn't react) in sex situations.

    OK, now go enjoy 2016.