Why You Have Trouble Pooping When You Go On Vacation

    Pooping? No way! You're on vacation, and so is your butt.

    Have you ever noticed how traveling makes your pooping habits kinda go to shit?

    Maybe you're the type of person whose anal sphincter just shuts down for business when you dare venture far from home.

    Pooping? No way! You're on vacation, and so is your butt!

    Or maybe you have the exact opposite problem.

    You know, where you can't stop pooping. Diarrhea, actually.

    The good news is that it's all totally normal! You are not a poop freak. Here's what you need to know.

    When it comes to travel-induced constipation, there are several things that might be a factor. Like the fact that traveling means your eating habits have changed.

    You're probably also a bit dehydrated from all that ~traveling~.

    And if you're on a relaxing getaway vacation, all that glorious lazing and luxuriating means that you're not actually moving much.

    Unfortunately, the problem could also just be that your type-A rectum and anal sphincter just get really uptight about any change in routine.

    But enough about constipation! Let's talk about diarrhea. Anxiety and stress about travel can definitely cause the runs.

    Or maybe you're just eating a lot more spicy food than you normally do.

    OK, and let's talk about traveler's diarrhea for a hot second.

    And that's that! Here's to safe, happy, and regular travels.