17 Times Fitspiration Was Wrong, So We Fixed It

    Fitspo, fixed. Inspired by this post and this Tumblr.

    1. That time fitspo made you think that you only had two choices.

    2. That time fitspo made you think that the only legit or meaningful workouts take an HOUR of your time.

    3. That time fitspo said that you can turn into someone else entirely.

    4. That time fitspo told you not to listen to your body.

    5. That time fitspo suggested that cellulite is something you can just get rid of with some leg exercises.

    6. That time fitspo told you to compare yourself to someone else.

    7. That time fitspo made you think that "rules" are anything more than just suggestions.

    8. That time fitspo implied that you will transform into a nearly naked chick in one year's time.

    9. That time fitspo made you feel bad about your food choices.

    10. That time fitspo suggested that you need to physically burn off every single calorie you consume.

    11. That time fitspo made you think that fitness is about accomplishing a specific goal at the expense of everything else.

    12. That time fitspo forgot about torn ligaments, pulled muscles, broken bones...and rest days.

    13. That time fitspo suggested that one body type is more attractive than another.

    14. That time fitspo was like, hey, here's something we made up for you to hate about yourself!

    15. That time fitspo made you think that a juice cleanse was a great way to lose weight.

    16. That time fitspo made you think that losing X amount of weight in Y amount of time was a) realistic, and b) a goal worth fighting for.

    17. That time fitspo confused weight loss with fitness.

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