Can The Cold Actually Make You Sick Or Is That A Lie?

    Let's settle this once and for all.

    You've probably heard it a million time: "Bundle up or you'll catch a cold!"

    But can the cold actually make you sick?

    The answer is no — viruses and germs get you sick, but not the cold weather.

    But it totally seems believable because fall and winter are also flu season.

    The reason why the myth prevails, according to Rohr, is because you're most likely to contract the common cold (rhinovirus), the flu, and other bugs in the fall and winter when cooler temperatures make it easier for viruses to survive and spread. But they still need to be transmitted between two people.

    "I think the myth really comes from earlier generations who had a fear of catching polio, which could come from contaminated water outside," says Rohr. That's probably why grandma always nags you to wear fifty scarves.

    And cold temperatures can worsen the effects of asthma and chest congestion by constricting the airways.

    The truth is, you're more likely to get sick if you are cooped up inside around a bunch of other people.

    And the fresh cold air — in moderation — is pretty good for you.

    This still doesn't mean you shouldn't dress properly when it's freezing outside.

    If really you don't want to catch a cold, your best bet is to practice proper hygiene and stay away from sick people.

    So get out there and embrace the coldness!

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