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    10 Reasons Why You Should Love Paige Hogan.

    Paige - \ par'-tee gurl \ ,noun; The girl that can find the perfect balance between shaking her booty and keeping her dignity as a fun-loving, sunshine-sharing party girl! Some may wonder... What makes Paige Hogan special? What is the "hype"? Let the pictures speak for themselves as we count down the 10 reasons why everyone should love Paige Hogan!

    10. She is an advocate for world peace.

    9. She's a world renowned singer.

    8. She is #educated

    7. She loves her fans!

    6. She prophesized the emergence of "Meatball Obsession"

    5. She oozes class

    4. She doesn't forget her roots

    3. She lives in the moment

    2. She's a generational icon

    1. She's our Birthday Princess