19 Things Everyone Who's Dated A Type A Knows To Be True

    Don't try to come between them and their planner.

    1. They always want to plan your next date far in advance.

    2. Nothing makes them crazier than when you misplace something of theirs.

    3. They always want to leave the house extra early for events.

    4. Doing chores for them can be more of a hindrance than a helpful gesture.

    5. They're not tolerant of lateness.

    6. They're multitasking ALL the time.

    7. They take pride in correcting any errors you make.

    8. If they've overlooked something or made a mistake, they have a hard time letting it go.

    9. They FREAK OUT about sudden change.

    10. They're always on the lookout for maximum efficiency.

    11. They need everything to be clean and tidy. There's NO other option.

    12. They're detail-oriented to the extreme.

    13. They typically don't like it when you surprise them.

    14. They make everything a competition.

    15. When hosting a party, they stress about making everything perfect.

    16. When you're on vacation together, there's always a strict itinerary YOU HAVE to stick to.

    17. They get upset when they don't have access to their planning materials.

    18. Telling them to "calm down" will never end well.

    19. But ultimately you bring out the best in each other because you're the perfect balance of personality traits.