An Open Letter To Carol And Daryl From "The Walking Dead"


    Dearest Daryl and Carol, otherwise known as "Caryl," everyone has agreed it's time to cut to the chase and hook up.

    First of all, let's just talk about the reunion seen 'round the world, and how it was everything.

    When audiences were blessed with witnessing you two see each other again, everything became clear:

    Daryl, you were the one who stopped at nothing to find Sophia and give Carol the hope she needed.

    ... even though you may have failed.

    And protected her when Sophia turned and all hope was lost.

    Carol, you were the one who kept Daryl alive, not just physically, BUT EMOTIONALLY.

    Sorry Beth...

    And Daryl, you did the same when you completely blew the Ryan/Marissa guy-carrying-the-nearly-dead-girl-in-his-arms moment from The O.C. out of the water.

    You two were the unofficial couple that gave us life when we just about HAD IT UP TO HERE with Lori and Rick.

    You even have cute little inside jokes.

    If one of you dies, especially Daryl, first we riot, then we will be comforted by the fact your love will last forever.

    And you know what's good for each other, even if it means being brutally honest.

    Daryl, after nearly five seasons, you still get nervous around Carol.

    It's written all over your face...

    You too, Carol.

    You could honestly cut the sexual tension with Michonne's samurai sword.

    Although Daryl claims he ain't nobody's bitch, it's pretty clear he's got a soft spot for you, Carol.

    It's even spilling over into the real world.

    It's obvious the internet is cheering for you both.

    Maybe too much...

    Norman Reedus is even on board.