17 Unbelievably Exciting Moments For Claustrophobic People

    No panic attacks for you today.

    1. Going into a high rise and seeing there is a glass elevator.

    2. Seeing that there's an escalator to exit an underground structure.

    3. Discovering a public bathroom has multiple stalls.

    4. Finding out your hotel room is on the bottom floor so you don't have to brave the elevator.

    5. Getting an aisle seat on an airplane.

    6. Seeing that "sold out" outdoor concert isn't as full as you thought.

    7. Finding out 1D's Niall suffers from the same problem.

    8. Arriving at Disneyworld and seeing the Tower of Terror is shut down for repairs.

    9. Hearing "Wide Open Spaces" by The Dixie Chicks.

    10. Watching "Lockup" marathons and thanking the heavens you're watching from a room you can leave.

    11. Successfully getting through an MRI.

    12. Seeing an exit sign in the event of a power outage.

    13. The moment cars start to move after sitting in an endless traffic jam.

    14. Getting to ride shotgun in a full car.

    15. The feeling of elevator doors opening when they're supposed to.

    16. Sitting at a table rather than a booth with a large group of people.

    17. Meeting someone who shares your pain.

    Now go get some space.