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Request A Post And We'll Literally Write It For You!


At BuzzFeed we write hundreds of posts each day, but usually they come from the minds of our writers! But starting Wednesday, Dec. 16, YOU get to decide.

Introducing BuzzFeed Request Live or #BRL! A day-long event where our staff will take requests from YOU on posts YOU want to read!

It's easy to participate. Just tweet, leave us a Facebook comment, or Snapchat us a story you want to see (with the hashtag #BRL). Or just leave a comment on this post.

Additionally, if you want to request a specific comic, Vine, Tumblr post, or similar graphics you can do that too!

Just thinking about my crush stresses me out

We'll choose the best ones and you'll see them published between now and the end of the year! So keep checking back here and on social media! Your post just might appear on BuzzFeed.com!