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BuzzFeed & Friends on Comedy Central UK

The 22nd September 1994 saw the premier of one the most loved TV shows of all time: Friends. 20 years, 10 seasons and 236 episodes later, Comedy Central joined forces with BuzzFeed to encourage new audiences to tune-in to the show and celebrate the #Friends20th anniversary in all its glory.

Comedy Central and Phd worked with BuzzFeed to create 8 custom posts that reimagined the endless brilliance of Friends. The posts reminisced some of the most unforgettable moments from TV show, such as Phoebe's questionable songwriting skills, Ross' failed fake tanning attempt and the gang's competitive American Football game.

A custom quiz, 'Which Friends Character Is Your Soulmate?' allowed users to interact with the Friends on Comedy Central BuzzFeed content, with results unveiling little known facts about each beloved character.

Additionally, Friends on Comedy Central and BuzzFeed created a truly imaginative and animated post that reworked 'The Greatest Moments From Friends As 8-Bit GIFs.' Looking back to popular scenes from Friends, ten fun and innovative custom 8-bit illustrations were adored and shared by both new and seasoned fans.

Taking it a step further, Friends on Comedy Central also sponsored 3 custom badges that were embedded on the BuzzFeed homepage in the run up to the #Friends20th anniversary weekend. A first for BuzzFeed in the UK, the badges truly integrated the Friends on Comedy Central program with BuzzFeed, raising awareness of the show's anniversary and reminding audiences to tune in.

1,368,579 Total Views

For every 10 people who viewed the Friends on Comedy Central BuzzFeed content, 12 additional people viewed it via social sources.

In addition to the Friends on Comedy Central program surpassing all of BuzzFeed's standard benchmarks, its content over-indexed for new fans aged 18-34 years:

Over a 2 month period, the Friends on Comedy Central BuzzFeed program truly celebrated the genius of Friends by paying tribute to its cherished characters, their quirks and greatest moments. The program took off through the sheer power of original formats and creative and engaging content that were not only adored by Friends fans but also by new audiences of the show.