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    31 Truths About Working At A Boy Scout Summer Camp

    Have you been on a BSA Camp Staff? Then you know the facts...

    1. First Years during Staff Week

    2. Week 1.

    Week 8.

    3. First Years meeting each other...

    4. What it feels like when you've done your Director dirty...

    5. Buddy Tags

    6. When a Scout asks what time the 11:30 Leatherworking Class is.

    7. Tuesday. 1:00 AM.

    8. When Scouts try to find you on Social Networking Sites...

    9. Aquatics Crew.

    10. When a group of Scouts won't stop talking in your Merit Badge class...

    When adults keep asking you questions that already answered in the meeting they chose to skip that morning…

    Really, your response to any given situation.

    11. Two Words: Restaraunt Food.

    12. When a girl shows up.

    13. When you walk into the Program Office and notice that one of the staff has left their computer open on the table…

    14. When there’s actually food in the reach in.

    15. Seeing the same skit for the fifth week in a row.

    16. The first time you get to drive a Camp vehicle.

    17. Wednesday of your Dish Pit week.

    18. You know who this is...

    19. Cold Cuts.

    20. When you see a Scout wearing a staff shirt from another camp.

    21. What the Under-18-year-olds think their staff area is like…

    What the Under-18 staff area looks like to everyone else…

    22. When a Troop requests an additional early-morning Activity

    23. When a First Year gets asked to be in Campfire.

    24. What a woman looks like Week 8.

    What she actually looks like.

    25. It’s 20 minutes to Closing Ceremony. And your Troop is still cleaning up their Campsite.

    26. You make awesome plans for the weekend. But when time comes to actually do them…

    27. Weekend Crew Makes The BEST Food.

    28. Getting a direct order from the Camp Director.

    29. Your reaction when someone says, “You’re working at that summer camp again? When are you getting a real job?”

    30. Because no matter how bad things may seem to those on the outside…

    31. ...this is what you feel like the first summer you stop working at “that summer camp again.”