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    How I Felt Watching The Name Of The Doctor

    The series finale that caused feels all over the world

    When they showed Gallifrey:

    When Clara is seen following the Doctor through his entire timeline

    When you hear the whispering

    When Vastra roofies Clara's letter

    When River appears at the meeting

    When Jenny announces that she's been murdered

    When River bitch slapped Vastra out of her slumber

    When the Doctor calls the kids "Little Daleks"

    When the Tardis tries to stop the Doctor from going to Trenzalore

    When Clara and the Doctor jump out of the Tardis

    When they show the giant Tardis tomb

    When they see River's grave

    When Strax brings Jenny back to life

    When we find out that the Whispermen are Dr. Simeon clones

    When for a whole .5 seconds you thought the Doctor's name was "Please"

    When the Doctor collapses from the paradox

    When Dr. Simeon walks through the Doctor's timeline

    When Jenny dies...again

    When Clara says "Run you Clever boy, and remember."

    Clara enters the timeline and we get the cool montage from the beginning

    When River and the Doctor makeout but it looks like he's making out with air

    "If you ever loved me say it like you’re going to come back."

    When the Doctor tells Clara to catch the leaf

    When the Doctor says the know...the thing!

    "Introducing John Hurt as 'The Doctor'"