Ellen DeGeneres Had A Ghost Scare The Crap Out Of Kristen Wiig

    She ain't afraid of no ghost. Wait, she totally is.

    Kristen Wiig dropped by The Ellen DeGeneres Show and, of course, the new Ghostbusters movie came up.

    Obviously, Ellen had to ask this question.

    And just as Kristen was clarifying what she meant...

    This happened.

    Then this.

    Kristen couldn't believe it.

    And Ellen was dying laughing.

    Looks like Kristen needs to work on that whole "ain't afraid of no ghosts" thing.

    Watch the scare in all its glory here — the ghost pops out a little after the 25-second mark.

    Warner Bros. Television Distribution / Via ellentube.com

    After she recovered, Kristen grabbed some set pieces and told Ellen she was taking them home as payment for that scare.

    Can't really blame her.