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23 Things All ’00s Kids Are Secretly Ashamed They Did

Don't worry, you weren't the only one who voted for Justin Guarini.

1. Writing a cryptic post on LiveJournal for attention.

2. Downloading the cheat code and nude skins in order to watch your Sims have sex.

3. Stalking your friends on Xanga so you could call them out for not including you.

4. Thinking that you were so punk because you listened to Simple Plan and Good Charlotte.

Let's be honest, you weren't even Hot Topic-punk.

5. Feeling that Aquamarine was some sort of cinematic masterpiece.

6. Wearing off-brand Uggs and lying that they were real till someone called you out.

7. Removing a friend from your Myspace Top 8 just to be passive-aggressive.

8. Coming home and waiting for your crush to log on just to stalk them.

9. Watching High School Musical over and over just so you could memorize the entire finale number.

10. Believing that Avril Lavigne was an anti-establishment badass.

11. Wearing imitation Von Dutch trucker hats.

12. Wanting to be a contestant on MTV's Next.

13. Putting a photo of your friend's mom up on Hot or Not.

14. Hiding your downloaded porn in like 12 folders.

15. Constantly finding a way to quote Borat.

16. Burning a mix CD for someone and not realizing it was full of badly ripped music you got from LimeWire.

17. Tasting your scented gel pens JUST TO KNOW what they would taste like.

18. Stealing your BFF's Myspace song, but acting like you didn't know.

19. Wanting Justin Guarini to beat Kelly Clarkson on American Idol.

20. Thinking Billy Ray Cyrus would be the world's coolest dad.

21. Getting multiple Blockbuster accounts so you wouldn't have to face your late fees.

22. Pretending that you were a wizard.

23. And finally, thinking Nickelback was revolutionary rock music.