22 Signs You're The Jane Kerkovich From "Happy Endings" Of Your Friend Group

    For those of us who are just aggressively helpful.

    1. You tend to have a taste for the finer things in life:

    2. You're confident enough in yourself to point out the flaws in others:

    3. People never understand that you only want the best for them:

    4. You know anytime you enter a room, all eyes are on YOU:

    5. In fact, most of the time you feel like the world revolves around you...

    6. ...of course that doesn't mean you don't feel insecure about yourself every once in awhile:

    7. You treat your body like a temple:

    Even if you have to sacrifice a lot for it.

    8. You relish in the fact that you have perfect resting bitchface:

    9. When it comes to your friends and loved ones, you know honesty is the best policy...

    10. ...and you're not above publicly shaming them:

    11. Trusting people isn't really your thing:

    12. You'll do or say anything to get your way:

    13. Sometimes you can be a little competitive:

    14. You know that a drink can help you deal with any stressful situation:

    15. Some of the best conversations you've ever had have been with yourself:

    16. You know that the world would be a perfect place if everyone were like you...

    17. ...and if everyone took your advice, they'd be perfect just like you:

    18. You like to add a little extra spice to your life:

    19. You're all about coming up with fun surprises for your friends and family...

    20. ...but of course you hate surprises done on you.

    Anybody who tries to surprise you will probably learn a painful lesson.

    21. People sometimes think you're crazy, but you know that's just that they can't comprehend how perfect you are:

    22. And the biggest sign of all: When you and your friends assign each other Friends characters, you're always the Monica: