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21 Little Satisfying Things Every '90s Kid Did

You can probably still smell a Koosh ball in your head.

1. Perfectly stacking your Disney VHS tapes into a magnificent tower.

2. Chewing on the corners of the VHS cover while you watched the movie.

3. Feeling excited because you were able to get online on your first try during peak hours.

4. Perfectly getting your straw into your Capri Sun on the first try.

5. Guessing correctly on whether a team would take the physical challenge or answer the question on Double Dare.

6. Refilling your Squeezit bottle with water and using it as a squirt gun.

7. Getting the perfect ratio of graham cookie to frosting on your Dunk-a-Roos.

8. Whenever you actually got a ring on one of the hooks.

9. Throwing a fresh Sticky Hand against the wall and seeing it actually stick.

10. When you perfectly synced up a song to the end of the blank tape on a mixtape.

11. Being able to immediately see the hidden Magic Eye image.

12. Whenever you filled the square in perfectly on your Scantron.

13. Cleaning the dirt balls out of your mouse.

14. The clacking sound this made as you played it.

15. The waxy -- yet comforting familiar flavor -- you got anytime you drank from one of these.

16. Opening up one these bad boys and seeing how much gum you could stick in your mouth at once.

17. Conquering Rainbow Road on your first try.

18. Getting the Happy Meal toy that you ACTUALLY wanted.

19. Singing along -- 'cause you knew all the words by heart -- to the Stick Stickley song.

20. Taking a whiff of your Koosh ball.

21. When you thought of the perfect away message in just a few seconds.